Permaculture Resources
Perma Groups
Classes & Events
Workshops on medicinal plants and mushroom growing
Workshops on sustainable agriculture, Bio-char and Poultry-raising in Mills River
Eco-village immersion living and learning at Earthaven
Hands-on workshops for affordable rates in Asheville
Culture's Edge at Earthaven Ecovillage
Listings of classes and events at Earthaven
Marc Williams is facilitating a continuation of the work of the amazing ethnobotanist, explorer, and humanitarian Frank Cook.
a botanical garden featuring the largest collection of native Appalachian and Chinese medicinal herbs in the Eastern US in Western North Carolina.
a small, permaculture-based nursery specializing in useful, phytonutritional, food, and medicine plants well-adapted to our Southern Appalachian mountains and surrounding bioregions.
Local Organizations
Gateway to Sustainability in Western North Carolina
Permaculture Pros
Zev Friedman
Online Videos
Bill Mollison father of Permaculture gives insight into the techniques, practices and benefits of the most important interdisciplinary earth science of our age.
Examination of "what is permaculture" at the Grow Here Now - Convergence at Lama.
Frank Cook Videos on YouTube Many videos of Frank's plant walks
Geoff Lawton's Ground Breaking implementation of Permaculture in The Dead Sea Valley.
A playlist of many excellent PC videos
Seed balls, permaculture and more.
Food Storage & Fermentation
Sandor Katz - Wild Fermentation
Rediscover and reinterpret the vast array of fermentation techniques used by our ancestors.
Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture
Masanobu Fukuoka's farming technique requires no machines, no chemicals and very little weeding.
Garden to Table: How to Sheet Mulch
Sheet mulch is an excellent way of introducing lots of organic matter without backbreaking digging and tilling.
Permaculture Activist Articles
articles on permaculture and related subjects
Homegrown Evolution Vegetables, chickens, hooch, bicycles and cultural alchemy
The intersection of ecovillages and hackspaces, ecology and technology, primitivism and transhumanism, permaculture and appropriate technology.
Permaculture & Regenerative Design News
Current events and news about permaculture & designing renewable ecologies & economies.
Building a Sustainable Intentional Community
inspiring and practical information on the vision, ecology, design, and stewardship of perennial polycultures of multipurpose plants in small-scale settings.
Permaculture Basics
his site explores the 'essence of permaculture' in a simple and clear way, expanding on the work of co-originator of the permaculture concept, David Holmgren.
Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
a global networking centre for permaculture projects.
Large resource of information on permaculture
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
Urban Permaculture
An urban homestead in Los Angeles "pioneering a journey towards self sufficiency, one step at a time."
works for peace, environmental protection, social justice, and the development of healthy communities. Urban Permaculture Videos
supports the work of the Permaculture Institute by publishing and selling books about Sustainability.